Devatech under the Category of Product range Devvent we developed several ventilation and Exhaust solutions for specific Industries. With Greenhouses, Poultry, Garment Manufacturing, Industrial Applications being the major areas of utility we design tailor made solutions with our Ventilation exhaust fans which are Latest in technology.
Our company manufactures a wide range of Ventilation Fans that are available in different sizes. Our ventilation fan, comprises of filtration system, blower, and low profile casing.
Further our exhaust Ventilation fans are designed artistically and can be operated electrically. In addition, ventilator fans are offered in customized solutions as per the needs of the clients.
Salient features of our exhaust ventilation fans are:
Quality Durability Cost Efficiency as are designed Low energy Consumption Visual and resource effective Precision engineered Sleek to deliver result Perfect performance Low maintenance and Reliability Long life
Dev... Devatech under the Category of Product range Devvent we developed several ventilation and Exhaust solutions for specific Industries. With Greenhouses, Poultry, Garment Manufacturing, Industrial Applications being the major areas of utility we design tailor made solutions with our Ventilation exhaust fans which are Latest in technology.
Our company manufactures a wide range of Ventilation Fans that are available in different sizes. Our ventilation fan, comprises of filtration system, blower, and low profile casing.
Further our exhaust Ventilation fans are designed artistically and can be operated electrically. In addition, ventilator fans are offered in customized solutions as per the needs of the clients.
Salient features of our exhaust ventilation fans are:
Quality Durability Cost Efficiency as are designed Low energy Consumption Visual and resource effective Precision engineered Sleek to deliver result Perfect performance Low maintenance and Reliability Long life
Devatech Applications
We are Happy to have serving our clients of Multiple Areas, Multiple Industries as per our Products. Though the Industries Vary the base is the same where our result is Air Treatment and providing Ventilation solution.
Evaporative Cooling Pads
Our Green Technology evergreen customers whom use our Evaporative Cooling Pads are:
Consultants, Engineers , Applicators and Fabricators for Green revolution who are specialised in Greenhouse, Floriculture, Horticulture industry, Vegetable Storage, Mushroom Farming, Seed Farming etc always recommend and use Devatech cooling pad only.
Air cooler manufacturing companies trust only on Devatech for their Coolers.
Our respectable Industries for Dehumidifiers include:
Industrial Dehumidifiers HVAC Industry Pharmaceuticals Electronics Safety glass, Industrial complex, Residential complex and lots more who are connected with Air Filters and Air Treatment.
Our Applications are Majorly Connected with the Below Areas:
Drying Prevention of Condensation Prevention of Mould Fungus Moisture Regaining Preservation Areas Prevention of Corrosion
Pharmaceutical Processing, Chemical Storage & Packaging, Pneumatic Conveying, Confectionery Production & Packaging, Food Production & Packaging
Storage of Military Equipment, Power Plant Lay-up, Water Treatment and Pumping Stations, Electronics Production & Storage, Electrical Component Production & Storage, Museum Artefacts, Ship lay-up, Aircraft & Vehicle Storage MoreLess
Devatech under the Category of Product range Devvent we developed several ventilation and Exhaust solutions for specific Industries. With Greenhouses, Poultry, Garment Manufacturing, Industrial Applications being the major areas of utility we design tailor made solutions with our Ventilation exhaust fans which are Latest in technology.
Our company manufactures a wide range of Ventilation Fans that are available in different sizes. Our ventilation fan, comprises of filtration system, blower, and low profile casing.
Further our exhaust Ventilation fans are designed artistically and can be operated electrically. In addition, ventilator fans are offered in customized solutions as per the needs of the clients.
Salient features of our exhaust ventilation fans are:
Quality Durability Cost Efficiency as are designed Low energy Consumption Visual and resource effective Precision engineered Sleek to deliver result Perfect performance Low maintenance and Reliability Long life
Devatech Applications
We are Happy to have serving our clients of Multiple Areas, Multiple Industries as per our Products. Though the Industries Vary the base is the same where our result is Air Treatment and providing Ventilation solution.
Evaporative Cooling Pads
Our Green Technology evergreen customers whom use our Evaporative Cooling Pads are:
Consultants, Engineers , Applicators and Fabricators for Green revolution who are specialised in Greenhouse, Floriculture, Horticulture industry, Vegetable Storage, Mushroom Farming, Seed Farming etc always recommend and use Devatech cooling pad only.
Air cooler manufacturing companies trust only on Devatech for their Coolers.
Our respectable Industries for Dehumidifiers include:
Industrial Dehumidifiers HVAC Industry Pharmaceuticals Electronics Safety glass, Industrial complex, Residential complex and lots more who are connected with Air Filters and Air Treatment.
Our Applications are Majorly Connected with the Below Areas:
Drying Prevention of Condensation Prevention of Mould Fungus Moisture Regaining Preservation Areas Prevention of Corrosion
Pharmaceutical Processing, Chemical Storage & Packaging, Pneumatic Conveying, Confectionery Production & Packaging, Food Production & Packaging
Storage of Military Equipment, Power Plant Lay-up, Water Treatment and Pumping Stations, Electronics Production & Storage, Electrical Component Production & Storage, Museum Artefacts, Ship lay-up, Aircraft & Vehicle Storage